
IBO-06 Solved Assignment 2019-20 | International Business Finance

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Course Code : IBO-06
Course Title : International Business Finance
Medium : English
Session : 2019-20 (July 2019 and January 2020)
Last Date of Submission : 15th March, 2020 (for July 2019 session)
15th September, 2020 (for January 2020 session)


Course Code : IBO-06
Course Title : International Business Finance
Medium : English
Program : MCOM (1st Year)
Max Marks : 100
Weightage : 30%
Session : July 2019 and January 2020 (2019-20)
Last Date of Submission : 15th March, 2020 (for July 2019 session)
15th September, 2020 (for January 2020 session)
Solution Type : Softcopy (PDF File)


Course Code : IBO-06
Course Title : International Business Finance
Assignment Code : IBO-06/TMA/2019-20
Coverage : All Blocks

Maximum marks: 100

Attempt all the questions.

  1. (a) What is loan syndication? Explain the process of loan syndication.
    (b) What are the various types of international debt instruments? Explain any two of them.
  2. (a) Why do central banks intervene in the foreign exchange market? What are the consequences of their intervention?
    (b) Distinguish between translation exposure and transaction exposure.
  3. (a) What is transfer pricing? Explain with example the technique of transfer pricing.
    (b) ‘Financial appraisal is the key most appraisal of any project’, Explain and also discuss its relationship with other appraisals namely technical, market, economic and social.
  4. (a) Discuss the various types of risk in project export.
    (b) What are the various types of guarantee/ bonds is the international trade? How do they benefit the importer?
  5. Discuss the various strategies to manage the political risk.


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