BPY-5 Assignment Solution For 2017-18 Session
Course Name: Course Name: Indian Philosophy-Part II
For July 2017 and January 2018 Session
Medium: English
Questions Solved In This Solution:
- Write an essay on the Nyaya epistemology.
- Write a detailed essay on the philosophy of Vivekananda.
- Answer any two questions:
(a) Explain the eight fold path of Yoga.
(b) Explain the eternal and non-eternal substances as presented by Vaisesika. - Answer any four questions:
(a) Describe the doctrine of asatkaryavada.
(c) Briefly explain the Characteristics of Bhakti Movement.
(d) Discuss briefly the ethical teachings of Radhakrishnan.
(e) Describe the Characteristics of Vedanta. - Write short notes on any five:
(c) Alwars
(e) Satyagraha
(f) Qadriya order of Sufism
(g) Kabir
(h) “Back to the Vedas”
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