
BPY-006 Metaphysics Solved Assignment 2020-21 | In English

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Course Code: BPY-006

Course Name: Metaphysics

Medium: English Medium

Session: July 2020 and January 2021

File Type : PDF (Softcopy)

Assignment Question : Click Here


Course Code : BPY-006
Course Title : Metaphysics
Assignment Number : BPY-006/TMA/2020-21
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 30%
Last date of Submission : 31 March, 2021 (for July 2020 Session)
30 September, 2021 (for January 2021 Session)

BPY – 006: Metaphysics

1. Give Answer of all five questions.
2. All five questions carry equal marks
3. Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should be in about 400 words each.
4. If any question has more than one part, please attempt all parts.

1. Write short notes on, 10+10= 20
i) Entity as Historico-Temporal
ii) Free Will


Write short notes on, 10+10= 20
i) Metaphorical Analogy
ii) Problem of Falsity

2. What is Substance? Write an essay on the nature of Substance. 20
Write an essay on the etymology and definition of Metaphysics. 20

3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 200 words each. 2*10= 20
a) Write a short essay on K. C. Bhattacharya’s idea of metaphysics. 10
b) Compare between Dialectic method and Retortive method to know certainty. 10
c) Question, Pure desire to know, judgment or Experience of something; In your opinion, what is the starting point of metaphysics? Justify your answer. 10
d) Figure out some differences between Being as Essence and Being as Esse. 10

4. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each. 4*5= 20
a) Write a short essay on the possibility of Potency. 5
b) “Our knowledge of being is an act of intuition.” Justify it. 5
c) “Distinction is the absence of identity.” Explain. 5
d) “Truth is a pathless land.” What is the sense of this idea of J. Krishnamurti? 5
e) What objections Kierkegaard raises against Hegel’s dialectic? 5
f) Do you think Accidents have their own ‘to be’? Justify your answer. 5

5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each. 5*4= 20
a) Abstraction 4
b) Notion 4
c) Kant’s idea of Beauty 4
d) Epoche 4
e) Concept of Pasu 4
f) Anuplabdhi 4
g) Sui Generis 4
h) Dasein 4


Keywords: BPY-006, BPY006, BPY-6, BPY6, BPY 006 Solved Assignment in English Mediun, IGNOU Assignment Solution Guide, BPY-006 Metaphysics Assignment Solution, BA Philosophy Answer Key, PDF Softcopy Assignment Solutions


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