
MPA-016 Solved Assignment 2019-2020 | English Medium | Declaration and Local Governance

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Course Code : MPA-016
Course Title : Declaration and Local Governance
Medium : English Medium
Session : 2019-20 (July 2019 and January 2020)
Last Date of Submission : 31st March, 2020 (for July 2019 session)
30th September, 2020 (for January 2020 session)
Assignment Questions : Click Here


Course Code : MPA-16
Course Title : Declaration and Local Governance
Medium : English Medium
Program : MA Public Administration (MPA) / MA Sociology (MSO)
Max Marks : 100
Weightage : 30%
Session : July 2019 and January 2020 (2019-20)
Last Date of Submission : 31st March, 2020 (for July 2019 session)
30th September, 2020 (for January 2020 session)
Solution Type : Softcopy (PDF File)

Indira Gandhi National Open University
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

Course Code: MPA-016
Assignment Code: MPA-016/Asst/TMA/2019-20
Marks: 100

This Assignment consists of Section – I and Section – II. There are five questions in each section. You have to answer a total of five questions in about 500 words each, selecting at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.


1. Describe the significance of democratic decentralisation in India.

2. Discuss the Constitutional dimensions of democratic decentralisation in India.

3. Examine the Bhagidari programme of Government-Citizen Partnership as a model of good governance.

4. Write a note on functional decentralisation.

5. Examine the functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions.



6. Discuss the intra-relationship between the various tiers of the rural local bodies.

7. ‘The 74thConstitutional Amendment Act, 1992, fully empowers the municipalities to function as an effective institution of self-governance.’ Examine.

8. Explain the significance of capacity building of local administration.

9. What are the major challenges to sustainable development and environment?

10. Write short notes on the following in 250 words each:

a) Multi-level planning.

b) Limitations of Macro-level planning.


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