MHI-03 HISTORIOGRAPHY in English Solved Assignment 2022-2023


MHI-03 HISTORIOGRAPHY in English Solved Assignment 2022-2023

Course Code: MHI-03
Assignment Code: MHI-03/AST/TMA/2022-23
Total Marks: 100


MHI-03 HISTORIOGRAPHY in English Solved Assignment 2022-2023

Course Code: MHI-03
Assignment Code: MHI-03/AST/TMA/2022-23
Total Marks: 100

Title Name MHI-03 Solved Assignment 2022-2023
University IGNOU
Service Type Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Course MA(History) MHI
Language ENGLISH
Semester 2022-23 Course: MA(History) MHI
Session For July 2022 and January 2023 Sessions
Short Name MHI-03
Assignment Code MHI-03/AST/TMA/2022-23
Product Assignment of MA(History) 2022-2023 (IGNOU)
Submission Date July Session Students 31st March
January Session Students 30th September
Price RS. 60

Note: Attempt any five questions. The assignment is divided into two Sections ‘A’ and ‘B’.
You have to attempt at least two questions from each section in about 500 words each.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is generalisation? Discuss the role of generalisation in history-writing. 20
2. What do you understand by ‘microhistory’? Describe the historians and their works related to this tradition of
history-writing. 20
3. Discuss the distinctive features of Greco-Roman historiography. 20
4. Who are considered to be the founders of the Annales School of historiography? Discuss their works. 20
5. Describe the important features of Indo-Persian tradition of history-writing during the Sultanate period. 20
6. Write a note on the Marxist historiography in the West after Second World War. 20
7. Compare the colonial historiography in India with the nationalist historiography. 20
8. What do you understand by the term ‘History from Below’? Discuss with particular reference to Indian
historiography. 20
9. Write a note on the feminist historiography in India. 20
10. Write short notes in about 250 words each on any two of the
following: 10+10
a) Objectivity and Interpretation
b) Colonial perception of caste
c) Early Indian history-writing
d) Historians and causation.

MHI-3, MHI3, MHI 3, MHI03, MHI 03, MHI-03


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