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MCSL-017 Solved Assignment IGNOU MCA 1st Semester 2018-19

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Course Code : MCSL-017
Course Title : C and Assembly Language Programming
Assignment Number : MCA(I)/L017/Assignment/2018-19
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 25%
Last Dates for Submission : 15th October, 2018 (For July Session)
15th April, 2019 (For January Session)
PDF Size : 3.3 MB
Page Count  : 24 Pages


MCSL-017 Solved Assignment 2018-19 For IGNOU MCA 1st Semester in PDF Format. Valid For July 2018 and January 2019 Session.

Course Code : MCSL-017
Course Title : C and Assembly Language Programming
Assignment Number : MCA(I)/L017/Assignment/2018-19
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 25%
Last Dates for Submission : 15th October, 2018 (For July Session)
15th April, 2019 (For January Session)

This assignment has two sections. Answer all questions in each section. Each Section is of 20 marks. Your Lab Records will carry 40 Marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the programme guide for the format of presentation.

Section 1: C Programming Lab

Question 1:-
Write an interactive program in C language to create an application program for a cooperative bank to maintain the customers’ database. This application should have menu options like below:
• Creating a New Record
• Reading/Listing of Records
• Modify the record
• Delete the record
Each customer record should have Customer Name, Account Number, Account Type, Telephone/Mobile, Address, Nominee Name, Account Balance, Date of Joining, etc. The application should be designed user-friendly. (20 Marks)
Note: You must execute the program and submit the program logic, sample input and output along with the necessary documentation for this question. Assumptions can be made wherever necessary.

Section 2: Assembly Language Programming Lab

Question 1:-
a) Write a program in assembly language to read the current time and Date from the system and display it in the standard format on the screen. (5 Marks)
b) Write a program in assembly language to multiply two 16-bit numbers and to store the result in the specified location. (5 Marks)
c) Write a program in assembly language to add two numbers and to store the result in the specified destination. (5 Marks)
d) Write a program in assembly language to to move immediate data to Registers.


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