FST-01 Solved Assignment 2021 | Foundation Course In Science & Technology | English Medium

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Course Code : FST-01
Course Title : Foundation Course In Science and Technology
Medium : English Medium
Session : 2020-21 (July 2020 and January 2021)
Submission Period : Before June 2021 Exams (For July 2020 Session)
Before December 2021 Exams (For January 2021 Session)
Assignment Questions : Click Here


University : IGNOU
Program : BDP / BA / B.Com / B.Sc
Course Code : FST-1
Course Title : Foundation Course In Science and Technology
Medium : English Medium
Session : July 2020 and January 2021 (2020-21)
Max Marks : 100
Weightage : 30%
Submission Period : Before June 2021 Exams (For July 2020 Session)
Before December 2021 Exams (For January 2021 Session)
Solution Type : Softcopy (PDF File)

(Tutor-Marked Assignment)

Course Code: FST-1
Assignment Code: FST-1/TMA/2021
Max. Marks: 100

1. A) What were the main features of the social organization in the Gupta Empire that led to a great improvement in Science and Technology? (5)

B) Discuss briefly some developments in astronomy during Gupta period. (5)

2. Explain the role of scientific knowledge in agriculture with respect to arid zones, dry lands and hills. (10)

3. A) Why is it important to pursue the policy of self-reliance for the progress of science and technology and for the development of the nation? (5)

B) What goals need to be set for the management of water resources? How water can be managed in a scientific manner?

4. Distinguish between infectious and non-infectious diseases. Discuss briefly how the infectious diseases travel from one person to another. (10)

5. Analyse the factors that impeded the growth of Science in India in the medieval times. (10)

6. Explain the Theory of Chemical Evolution on scientific basis. (10)

7. Describe the various renewable resources of energy that have the potential to fulfil the needs of the society. (10)

8. Make a table showing the recommended dietary allowances, balanced diet and the major nutrients of food. (10)

9. Draw a neat and labelled illustration of basic units of computer. (10)

10. Write a detailed note on vector born diseases with suitable examples. (10)


Keywords: FST-01, FST-1, FST01, FST1, FST 01 Solved Assignment 2020-21, FST-01 English Medium Assignment Solution, FST 01 Solution Guide In English Meduim for July 2020 and January 2021 Session, FST 1 English Medium Answer Key


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