
EPS-09 Solved Assignment 2019-20 | Comparative Government and Politics

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Course Code : EPS-09
Course Title : Comparative Government and Politics
Medium : English Medium
Session : 2019-20 (July 2019 and January 2020)
Last Date of Submission : 31st March, 2020 (for July 2019 session)
30th September, 2020 (for January 2020 session)
Assignment Questions : Click Here


Course Code : EPS-9
Course Title : Comparative Government and Politics
Medium : English Medium
Program : BA/BDP
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 30%
Session : July 2019 and January 2020 (2019-20)
Last Date of Submission : 31st March, 2020 (for July 2019 session)
30th September, 2020 (for January 2020 session)
Solution Type : Softcopy (PDF File)


Course Code: EPS-09
Assignment Code: EPS-09/ASST/TMA/2019-20
Marks: 100

Answer questions in each category. Answer in your own words.

A) DCQ: Answer any two of the following in about 500 words each.

1. What is comparative politics? Give an historical overview of the development of comparative study of politics.

2. Compare institutional approach and systems approach in the study of comparative politics.

3. Explain the main features of China’s development strategy in the post-Mao period.

4 .Examine the role of NGOs in the protection and promotion of human rights.

5. Explain dependency theory in the context of underdevelopment in the Third World countries.

B) MCQ: Answer the following in about 250 words each.

6. Explain the difference between Elitist and Marxist conception of power.

7. Describe themain features of colonial states.

8. How is Presidential form of government different from the Parliamentary form of government?

9. Compare the roles of political parties and pressure groups in democratic politics.

10. What is federalism? Highlight the essential characteristics of federalism.

11 .Write a short note on class antagonism according to Marxism.

12. Distinguish democratic regimes from authoritarian regimes.

13. Write a note on political economy approach in the study of comparative politics.

C) SCQ: Write a note on the following in about 100 words each.

i) Democratic Rights and Human Rights

ii) Social structures

iii) Women’s movement in non-western world.

iv) Neo-liberalism and the Third World



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