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BZYCT-133 Comparative anatomy and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates in English Solved Assignment 2020-2021

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Course Code: BZYCT-133
Course Title : Comparative Anatomy and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates
Assignment Code: BZYCT-133/TMA/2021
Program : BSCG (IGNOU)


BZYCT-133 Comparative anatomy and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates

Solved Assignment 2020-2021


Title Name BZYCT-133 Life Sciences Solved Assignment 2020-21
University IGNOU
Service Type Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Course BSCG(Life Sciences)
Language ENGLISH
Semester 2020-2021 Course: BSCG(Life Sciences)
Session 2020-21
Short Name BZYCT-133 (ENGLISH)
Assignment Code BZYCT-133/TMA/2021
Product Assignment of BSCG(Life Sciences) 2020-2021 (IGNOU)
Submission Date valid from 1st January, 2021 to 31st December, 2021


Course Code: BZYCT-133
Assignment Code: BZYCT-133/TMA/2021
Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against it.


Maximum Marks: 50

1. i) a) Which are the four successive layers present in the integument of mammals? (1)
b) Which muscle is attached to the hair follicle of human beings and makes hair stand erect? (1)

ii) Names of some bones are given in column A and the part of the skeleton in which these bones occur in column B. Match them. (5)
Column A Column B
a) Parietal i) Pectoral girdle
b) Vomer ii) Cranium
c) Maxilla iii) Olfactory capsule
d) Clavicle iv) Upper jaw
e) Pubis v) Pelvic girdle

iii) Fill in the blank spaces with appropriate words from the text. (3)

i) Majority of ________ use ciliated surface to produce currents that can draw drifting food particles into their mouth.
ii) Fangs are either equipped with ________ which guides the ________ or are hollow, very much like a ________ needle.
iii) Raptorial birds capture prey with their ________ or ________.

2. How is the respiratory system of birds modified to meet their high oxygen requirement? How is it different from the respiratory system of mammals? (10)

3. Answer the following questions in short. (10)
i) What are the three sets of paired veins present in the early embryonic stage of vertebrates?
ii) What are the veins in fishes that bring blood from the fins?
iii) What is the fate of lateral abdominal veins in teleosts and lung fishes?
iv) What are precaval veins?
v) Why are large cutaneous veins present in amphibians?

4. i) Write short notes on: (5)
(a) Kidney blood circulation
(b) Types of mammalian uteri.
ii) Name the flexures and their position, that are present in vertebrate central nervous system. (5)

5. Give a comparative account of thyroid of vertebrates. (10)


Maximum Marks: 50

6. i) Write ‘T’ for true statement and ‘F’ for false statement: (4)
a) Embryo is not a living entity. It becomes alive at the moment of hatching or birth as the case may be. [ ]
b) Different embryonic stages are the different phenotypic expressions of the same genome at various stages of embryonic development. [ ]
c) Morphogenesis is the basic developmental process that is most dependent on cell movement. [ ]
d) The amount of yolk in the egg may determine the events of hatching or birth. [ ]

ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (6)
a) ………………….. is the extension of egg cytoplasm around the entering sperm head.
b) Inhibitor of microfilament formation such as ………………. prevents the formation of fertilization cone.
c) The early response for the entry of sperm into the egg is prevention of ……………….. .
d) The ………………. for polyspermy is mediated by the electrical depolarization of egg plasma memebrane.
e) The slow block to polyspermy is achieved by ………….… reaction.
f) ………………. is the fusion nucleus of female and male pronuclei.

7. List at least three stages in gene expression that can be regulated to result in differentiated cell types? Explain any one of them with the help of an example.  (10)

8. Describe the process of neurulation in frog. (10)

9. Define the following terms: (10)
a) Blastoderm
b) Morphogenetic movements
c) Fate maps
d) Epiblast
e) Inner cell mass

10. i) Draw a flow chart to show how the three germinal layers are derived from the zygote. (5)
ii) What is a signal transduction pathway? Write out its step in the order they would occur in a target cell. (5)


Keyword: BZYCT-133, BZYCT 133, BZYCT133


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