
BSW-121 Professional Social Work and its Values Solved Assignment 2020-2021 in English

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BSW-121 Solved Assignment 2020-2021

Course Code: – BSW 121

Course Title : Professional Social Work and its Values

Language : English


BSW-121 Professional Social Work and its Values

Solved Assignment 2020-2021


Title Name BSW-121 Solved Assignment 2020-2021
University IGNOU
Service Type Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language ENGLISH
Semester 2020-2021 Course: BSWG
Session 2020-21
Short Name BSW-121
Assignment Code BSW-121
Product Assignment of BSWG 2020-2021 (IGNOU)
Submission Date July 2020 Session – March 31, 2021

January 2021 Session – September 30, 2021

Professional Social Work and its Values

Course Code: – BSW 121
Total Marks – 100

(i) Answer any five of the following questions in about 300 words each.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Analyse the importance of social network for social work. 20

2. Trace the history of social work in the United Kingdom. 20

3. Explain the scope of social work in India. 20

4. List any five areas of intervention of voluntary action. 20

5. What is social justice? Elucidate social justice as a value of social work. 20

6. Describe human relationships as social capital. 20

7. Highlight the structural framework of loyalty to social work profession. 20

8. Write a note on hard work as a value of social work. 20


Keywords: BSW-121, BSW121, BSW 121


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