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BPCS-187 MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES in English Solved Assignment 2022-2023

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Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA)
Course Code: BPCS-187
Assignment Code: Asst/TMA/July 2021
Total Marks: 100

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BPCS-187 MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES Solved Assignment 2022-2023

Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA)
Course Code: BPCS187
Assignment Code: Asst /TMA /July 2022-January 2023
Total Marks: 100

Title Name BPCS-187 Solved Assignment 2022-2023
University IGNOU
Service Type Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Course BAG(Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses)
Language English
Semester 2022-2023 Course: BA(Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses)
Session JULY 2022 – JANUARY 2023
Short Name BPCS-187
Assignment Code Asst /TMA /July 2022-January 2023
Product Assignment of BAG(Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses) 2022-2023 (IGNOU)
Submission Date For the students enrolled in July- 30th April
For the students enrolled in January- 31st October
Price RS. 100

NOTE: All assignments are compulsory.
1. Have a title page. Include details like Name, Enrolment number, Email id, Regional Centre,
Study Centre, Programme Title and code, Course title and code.
2. Use A4 size paper for the tutorial (ruled/ bank).
3. For making tables, blank pages can be used and tables/ graphs (if any) to be drawn in pencil.
4. Content should not be plagiarised.
Part A
Assignment One
Answer the following questions in about 500 words each. Each question carries 20 marks.
3 x 20 = 60
1. Describe the nature of human resource development.
2. Explain the meaning of performance appraisal and describe its methods.
3. Explain the concept of employee engagement and describe the ways in which employee
engagement can be promoted.
Assignment Two
Answer the following questions in about 100 words each. Each question carries 5 marks.
8 x 5= 40
4. Describe the functions of human resource management.

5. Elucidate globalisation.
6. Describe the uses of job analysis.
7. Explain various barriers to effective selection.
8. Elucidate the concepts of training and development.
9. Describe various factors affecting employee retention.
10. Elucidate psychological contract.
11. Describe the ways of promoting occupational safety

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