
EEG-02/BEGE-102 Solved Assignment 2019-20 | The structure of Modern English

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Course Code : BEGE-102/EEG-02
Course Title : The structure of Modern English
Medium : English
Session : 2019-20 (July 2019 and January 2020)
Last Date of Submission : 31st March, 2020 (for July 2019 session)
30th September, 2020 (for January 2020 session)
Assignment Questions : Click Here


Course Code : EEG-02/BEGE-102
Course Title : The structure of Modern English
Medium : English
Program : BA / BDP
Max Marks : 100
Weightage : 30%
Session : July 2019 and January 2020 (2019-20)
Last Date of Submission : 31st March, 2020 (for July 2019 session)
30th September, 2020 (for January 2020 session)
Solution Type : Softcopy (PDF File)

Assignment – EEG-02/BEGE-102
The Structure of Modern English

Assignment Code: EEG-02/BEGE-102/TMA/2019-2020
Max. marks: 100

Answer all the questions.

  1. Write short notes on the following:
    i) Basic sentence patterns
    ii) Content words and grammatical words and their role in a sentence.
  2. (a) Write the phonetic transcription of the following words. Then mark the stress.
    painter, democracy, musician, neglect, fascination(b) What are vowels? Write a detailed description of pure vowels and diphthongs.
  3. (a) Place these words in the appropriate column based on the number of syllables they contain.
    2 syllables 3 syllables 4syllables

    picture, different, important, company, promptness, prepare, agree, placement, procedure, compare

    (b) What are compound words? Describe the criteria for distinguishing compound words. Illustrate your answer with examples.

  4. (a) Identify the main clause in the sentences given below:
    i) Mary Kom is the woman athlete who won a medal in Boxing at the 2012 Olympic Games.
    ii) Because it was very hot in the room, I opened the window.
    iii) When she heard a noise behind her, she looked out.
    iv) When I reached the railway station, I found that the train had left.
    v) A coffee-maker is a machine that makes instant coffee.(b) What do you understand by restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses? Give example.(c) Pick out the adverb clauses in the following sentences. Also mention the type of adverb clause:
    i) He did not begin to read until he was nine years old.
    ii) He will be unhappy wherever he goes.
    iii) If you treat her well, she’ll do anything for you.
    iv) Vimal looked happy because she had done well in the examination.
    v) Mr. Kumar went home as he was not feeling well.
  5. (a) Giving examples, write briefly about different types of negation.(b) Rewrite the following sentences by using the words in bold as indicated in the brackets:
    The first one is done for you.
    i) He fought courageously. (as noun) He fought with courage.
    ii) She was sincere in her love. (as adverb)
    iii) He climbed the tree with ease. (as adverb)
    iv) She takes pride in her beauty. (as adjective)
    v) His jokes do not amuse us. (as noun)
    vi) We had a narrow escape. (as adverb)(c) Place these conjunctions (if, in case, unless, until, when) into the gaps in the sentences:
    i) We are unable to supply the goods ________ we receive payment in advance.
    ii) A spare axle is provided ________  one is damaged during routine use.
    iii) The machine should not be modified ________ a service engineer is present.
    iv) The filter should be changed ________ the unit has been in operation for two months.
    v) The red light will come on ________ the machine overheats.


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