BCSL-044 Statistical Techniques Lab Solved Assignment 2023-24

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Course Code : BCSL-044
Course Title : Statistical Techniques Lab
Assignment Number (Code) : BCA(IV)/L-044/Assignment/2023-24
Last Date of Submission : 31st October, 2023 (for July 2023 session)
30th April, 2024 (for January 2024 session)


Course Code : BCSL-44
Course Title : Statistical Techniques Lab
Assignment Number : BCA(IV)/L-044/Assignment/2023-24
Maximum Marks : 50
Weightage : 25%
Last Date of Submission : 31st October, 2024 (for July 2023 session)
30th April, 2024 (for January 2024 session)
Solution Type : Softcopy (PDF File)

Note: There are six questions in this assignment, which carries 80 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva-voce. Answer all the questions. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation.

All the following questions must be performed using a statistical package. You may use any statistical package for this purpose.

Q1. The weight of 50 children in the age group 10-15 years, measured in Kilograms, is given below. Perform the tasks given in (i) to (iv) using a spreadsheet package:

40 70 61 58 58 50 72 63 51 62
65 60 68 68 78 54 52 60 50 70
60 35 53 58 79 60 62 61 55 65
51 39 45 58 50 65 62 50 72 62
52 65 67 87 45 75 71 52 65 59

(i) Find the minimum and maximum weight using spreadsheet formula.
(ii) Divide the weight in 5 classes with class interval 10 and create the frequency distribution for these classes using Array formula .
(iii) Find the percentage of students, whose weight is in between 50 and 60 kgs.
(iv) Represent the frequency distribution with the help of a relevant graph.


Q2. Perform the following tasks using a spreadsheet (you must either enter necessary formula that are required to calculate the value or you may use spreadsheet function for the same):

(i) Calculate the standard error, given a population of 250, sample size 50 and population standard deviation of 25.
(ii) Assume that a company manufactures Discs. The Discs should have a mean diameter of 2cm. A sample of 20 such Discs were taken out of 1000 such Discs The sample diameter of these Discs was 2.01 cm with a standard deviation of 0.01 cm. Can the company say with 95% confidence that the Discs should be accepted. Make suitable assumption and justify your answer.


Q3. A company sells summer clothing. Fit a trend using any statistical software to sales data for this company. Make suitable assumptions.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July
Sales (in pieces) 400 700 2000 3000 2000 1000 200


Q4. The daily production of items of a company is given in the following table. Use spreadsheet software to find the moving averages for the length of 5.

Day Production
(in Metric Tons)
1 29
2 5
3 44
4 30
5 40
6 45
7 7
8 60
9 30
10 49
11 44
12 30
13 50
14 30
15 34


Q5. A company manufactures refills of pens. Five observations of refills are taken on each day. These observations were taken 6 times during a working day. Calculate the control limits for mean and range, and plot the control charts using any statistical software. Make suitable assumptions, if any.

The data is given in the following table:

Sample No. Point size of pen in mm
1 2.04 2.01 1.87 1.85 1.90
2 2.14 2.11 1.97 1.95 2.10
3 1.99 2.21 1.77 1.98 1.98
4 2.00 2.05 1.97 1.95 2.01
5 1.87 2.14 2.19 2.20 2.15
6 2.06 1.91 2.17 2.05 1.90

(Please take the suitable values of d2 , d3, d4 , A2 and other variables.)


Q6. A cloth making company experiments with quantity of cloth being produced by four of its machine. Assuming that company has four such machines and productivity of these machine is recorded on four different days in the following table.

Day Quantity of cloth per Machine
1 91 89 92 90
2 90 88 89 87
3 93 88 90 91
4 88 89 90 88

Perform an ANOVA using any software to test (at 5% level) whether all the four machines are equally productive. Make suitable assumptions, if any.


All questions are solved in this assignment solution.

Keywords: BCSL-044, BSCL044, BCSL 044, BCSL44, BCSL-44, BCSL 44, IGNOU Solution Guide, Answer Key


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