BBYCT-135 Plant Anatomy and Embryology Solved Assignment 2021 In English

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Course Code : BBYCT-135
Course Title : Plant Anatomy and Embryology
Medium : English Medium
Session : 2021 (July 2020 and January 2021)
Submission : Submit it by December, 2021
Assignment Questions : Click Here


Course Code : BBYCT-135
Course Title : Plant Anatomy and Embryology
Medium : English Medium
Program : BSCG / B.Sc (CBCS)
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 30%
Session : Valid from 1st Janaury, 2021 to 31st December, 2021
Submission : Submit it by 31st December, 2021
Solution Type : Softcopy (PDF File)

Plant Physiology and Metabolism

Course Code: BBYCT-135
Assignment Code: BBYCT-135/TMA/2020-2021
Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against it.


1. a) Define the following terms : (½×10=5)
i) Osteosclereids
ii) Quiescent center
iii) Mangroves
iv) Adventive embryos
v) Tyloses
vi) Phelloderm
vii) Dichogamy
viii) Heterophylly
ix) Apomixis
x) Cross pollination

b) Describe in brief the various morphological and anatomical adaptations in xerophytes with diagrams.

2. a) Discuss the criteria of essentiality of a mineral nutrient. (5)
b) Describe the process of transport of ions across plasma membrane. (5)

3. a) Compare the structures of a primary and secondary root also give diagram. (5)
b) Differentiate between monocot and dicot leaf with labelled diagram. (5)

4. a) Describe secondary growth in dicot stem with labelled diagram. (5)
b) Discuss theories of shoot apical organization with diagrams. (5)

5. a) Describe specialised epidermal cells with labelled diagram and its role in plants. (5)
b) The pollen tube enters the embryo sac via three different routes. Explain and enumerate the advantages of cross pollination. (5)

6. a) Explain the various stages of embryo development in plants with the help of illustrations. (5)
b) Explain the phenomenon of double fertilization in angiosperms with the help of a well labelled diagram. What is the role of endosperm in plants? (5)

7. a) Describe the structure of a mature embryo sac with labelled diagram. (5)
b) Describe dispersal mechanisms found in seed. (5)

8. a) What is parthenocarpy. Describe various types of parthenocarpy found in plants. (5)
b) Explain incompatibility and describe its types and significance. (5)

9. Differentiate between: (2×5=10)
i) Heartwood and sapwood
ii) Porous and non-porous wood
iii) Dicot stem and monocot stem
iv) Glandular and non-glandular trichomes
v) Open and closed style

10. Write short notes on: (2×5=10)
i) Tyloses
ii) Aerial roots
iii) Rhizomes
iv) Cambial variant in stems
v) Dendrochronology


Keywords: BBYCT-135, BBYCT135, BBYCT 135, BBYCT-135/TMA/2021, BBYCT-135 Assignment Solution, BBYCT 135 Assignment Answers, IGNOU Assignment Help, Assignment Guide, BBYCT 135 ignou assignment, ignou solved assignment, BBYCT 135 solved assignment 2021, BBYCT-135 in English Medium


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